26th Tipo Brda: Avgust 2014

26th Tipo Brda: Avgust 2014

This summer workshop was full of passion. Evening tutorials with guest mentors Diana Ovezea and Giuseppe Salerno lasted long into the nights with everyone highly motivated to join with an opinion, question or an argument on all the works. Diana’s rational attitude was confronted with Giuseppe’s emotional charge and these two different approaches evolved into outstanding mixture of dynamic interchange among all twentytwo participants. By the end of the workshop, we were totally seduced by the energy of two young creatives who shared so many fresh aspects on typeface design with us.

Urška Preis: Dying Light

Urška Preis: Dying Light

Tjaša Krivec: Just Enough

Tjaša Krivec: Just Enough

Surya Djalil: Type of my Life

Surya Djalil: Type of my Life

Simon Korenjak: Bladr

Simon Korenjak: Bladr

Michaela Klihavcova: Bumerang

Michaela Klihavcova: Bumerang

Matej Stare: Bamboo

Matej Stare: Bamboo

Martina Cejpova: Chlupik

Martina Cejpova: Chlupik

Marin Šantić: 26

Marin Šantić: 26

Lucijan Bratuš: Ornament

Lucijan Bratuš: Ornament

Leo Kirinčić: Ole Script

Leo Kirinčić: Ole Script

Jure Kožuh: StatProCyrillic

Jure Kožuh: StatProCyrillic

Jan Charvat: Sisters Script

Jan Charvat: Sisters Script

Giuseppe Salerno: Kalligramma

Giuseppe Salerno: Kalligramma

Gašper Uršič: DisapPointed

Gašper Uršič: DisapPointed

Diana Ovezea: TheNewBlack

Diana Ovezea: TheNewBlack

Domen Fras: Lumu Cursive

Domen Fras: Lumu Cursive

Brigita Starešinič: Flow

Brigita Starešinič: Flow

Anže Veršnik: Florence

Anže Veršnik: Florence

Ana Praprotnik: Joy

Ana Praprotnik: Joy

Ana Logar: Tasty Script

Ana Logar: Tasty Script

Adrian Jansa: Sexy

Adrian Jansa: Sexy

Ana Avbelj: Time for Coffee

Ana Avbelj: Time for Coffee