10 – 11 September 2022
(eng bellow)
Tipo Brda delavnica “script letteringa” z Ivanom Castrom
Na tej praktični delavnici se bomo naučili, kako pristopiti k “script letteringu”, od prve skice do končnega izdelka. Začeli bomo z osnovami kaligrafije, zrisane s čopičem ter skozi praktične demonstracije mentora osvojili osnove pisanja črk, tehnike skiciranja, logiko ritma in kompozicijo “letteringa”. Ogledali si bomo tudi različne pristope k risanju črk v stilu letteringa, kjer bo vsak od udeležencev oblikoval kratek stavek, napis.
1. dan (10.00–18.00 s pavzo)
• Polformalna ležeča kaligrafija z okroglim čopičem.
• Velike začetnice, ki spremljajo minuskulo
• Različice črkovnih oblik
2. dan (10.00–18.00 s pavzo)
• Kako osnovati “lettering” projekt
• Korekture in vodstvo mentorja z vsakim od udeležencev, od prve skice do končnega napisa
• Zaključna kritika in druženje
Delavnica bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.
10. – 11. september 2022
Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje Ljubljana, Slovenija
Rok za prijavo:
30. julij 2022
300 €
študenti in člani Tipo Brda: 270 €
PRIJAVI SE TUKAJ: https://forms.gle/4bm5Pzn5MTavKR43A
Organizatorja: društvo Tipo Brda in zavod Type Salon
Partner: Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje
Pomembno: V primeru da delavnice zaradi omejitev ki bodo veljale v tem času, ne bomo mogli organizirati, ti povrnemo 100 % strošek prijavnine.
O mentorju:
Ivan Castro je grafični oblikovalec iz Barcelone, Španije, ki je specializiral kaligrafijo, oblikovanje črke in tipografijo. Njegovo delo vključuje vse od oglaševanja do uredništva, od embalaže do oblikovanja logotipov in koncertnih plakatov. Čeprav Ivan trdi, da nima posebnega sloga, bi lahko rekli, da močno spoštuje zgodovino popularne kulture. Na tem področju dela že 20 let, približno 15 let pa poučuje kaligrafijo in črkopisje v glavnih oblikovalskih šolah v Barceloni, kot so EINA, Elisava ali BAU. Pogosto potuje, prireja delavnice in predava na oblikovalskih festivalih in konferencah. Je avtor knjig The ABC of Custom Lettering, Lettering to the Max in dveh spletnih tečajev pisanja črk na španski platformi Domestika.
Lettering workshop with Ivan Castro
We’ll learn how to approach a script lettering piece, from the first sketch to the final work. After practicing the foundations of brush-written calligraphy and through slide presentations and practical demonstrations, we’ll see the basics of lettering, sketching techniques, the logic of rhythm, composition and all that technical stuff that makes a difference. We’ll also see the different ways of starting a script lettering work, and everyone will get to do their own project that will consist of a logotype or a short sentence, with the help of the personal tuition of the instructor.
Day 1 (10.00–18.00 with a break)
• Semi-formal Italic calligraphy with a round brush.
• Capital forms to accompany the minuscule
• Variations on the formal structure
Day 2 (10.00–18.00 with a break)
• How to engage a lettering project in script style
• Personal project with guideness, from the first sketch to the finished work
• Closing critique
Language: English
September 10–11, 2022
MAO, Museum of architekture and design, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Deadline for applications:
30 July, 2022
Registration fee:
300 €
students and Tipo Brda memebrs: 270 €
APPLY HERE: https://forms.gle/4bm5Pzn5MTavKR43A
Ivan Castro is a graphic designer based in Barcelona, Spain, who specializes in calligraphy, lettering, and typography. His work involves everything from advertising to editorial, and from packaging to logo design and gig posters. Although Ivan claims to have no specific style, one could say that he has a strong respect for the history of popular culture. He has been working in the field for 20 years, and has been teaching calligraphy and lettering for about 15 years in the main design schools in Barcelona, such as EINA, Elisava or BAU. He travels frequently, holding workshops and giving lectures at design festivals and conferences. He’s the author of The ABC of Custom Lettering, Lettering to the Max, and two lettering online courses in the Spanish platform Domestika.
IG: @ivancastrolettering
Organized by: Tipo Brda society & Type Salon
Partner: MAO Slovenia
Important information: In case we won’t be able to organize the workshop, because of the restrictions during the time of the workshop, we will refund 100% of your fee.

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