33rd Tipo Brda: invitation

33rd Tipo Brda: invitation

Type Days Ljubljana 2018  (english bellow)
(19. – 24. februar 2018)

Letošnjo zimsko edicijo tipografskih delavnic Tipo Brda organiziramo v sodelovanju s kreativnim centrom Poligon, v Ljubljani. Osredotočili se bomo na proces razvoja unikatne črkovne vrste. Začeli bomo z uvodom v kaligrafijo, kjer se bo vsak udeleženec spoznal s kaligrafskim peresom ter črnilom in različnimi kaligrafskimi stili. Nadaljevali bomo z letteringom, skiciranjem črk, ki pripomore k razumevanju same anatomije črk. Kasneje bomo presedli v digitalni svet oblikovanja in razvili font. V soboto bomo končne izdelke razstavili v prostorih Poligona.

Vsak dan (pon-pet) bomo ob 9h začeli z zajtrkom v prostorih Poligona. Ob 10h bomo dan otvorili z uvodnim predavanjem in ga nadaljevali s praktičnim delom, kaligrafijo, skiciranjem in digitalizacijo. Vsak dan bomo imeli skupinske korekture. Tekom dneva bodo na voljo razni prigrizki, čaji in sadje.

Mentorica letošnje delavnice je Alja Herlah. Magistrirala je na ljubljanski NTF, študija grafičnih in interaktivnih komunikacij, kjer se je v magistrskem delu usmerila v oblikovanje nelatiničnih črkovnih vrst. Po magisteriju je praktično izobraževanje nadaljevala v berlinski založbi črkovnih vrst Atlas Font Foundry. Trenutno živi v Londonu in dela kot Junior Font Developer v studiu DaltonMaag.

Na delavnico ste vabljeni vsi, ki vas zanima svet črk in oblikovanja. Delavnica je primerna tako za začetnike kot tiste, ki že imate več znanja s področja oblikovanja črkovnih vrst. Naše želja je vpeljati ljudi z različnih področij in znanjem v svet type design-a.

Kaj prinesti
Organizatorji bodo poskrbeli za osnovne potrebščine kot so: papir, svinčniki, kaligrafska peresa. Udeleženci pa sami prinesejo svoj računalnik s programjem primernim za oblikovanje črkovnih vrst (Glyphs, FontLab, …).

280€ (265€ študenti) vključuje zajtrk, prigrizke in pisarniški material. V ceno je všteta tudi letna članarnina društva Tipo Brda (15€ študenti, 30€ zaposleni). Sprejemamo samo digitalna nakazila, ki naj bodo nakazana do 7. 2. V primeru, da se prijavljeni delavnice ne more udeležiti si pridružujemo pravico odvzema 10% prijavnine.

Kako se prijaviti
S prijavo na delavnico priloži krajši opis tipografskega znanja ali portfolio. Prijavnico pošlji na info@tipobrda.com
Če imaš kakšna vprašanja se oglasi na zgornjem e-mail naslovu.
Se vidimo kmalu,
Tipo Brda ekipa: Krista & Alja

Type Days Ljubljana 2018
(19 February – 24 February 2018)

This winter we are organizing a workshop in co-production with Poligon – creative center, which is located in the heart of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

We are going to focus on effective workflow from calligraphy and sketching to the font. As usually we start the workshop fully hands-on and kick off with drawing the type. Further on we continue building a firm concept for a type or a type family. Later, each participant will work on his/her individual typeface in a digital environment. On the last day, the designs of all participants are evaluated and exhibited as large high quality prints.

Methods and techniques
Along basic and advanced lectures on type design you get known with basic calligraphic principles, drawing skills and developing the concept of the typeface. You will be guided step by step throughout the digital workflow: scan preparation, correct vector paths, curve optimisation, automated tasks and prototyping the font.

Daily routine
We start our day with a morning coffee and croissants served at 9 am in Poligon. A lecture with demonstration at 10 am, lunch break at 1pm, individual work during the day and group consultations at 5 pm. Refreshment breaks anytime of the day.

This year our mentor is Alja Herlah. She holds MA from Graphic and Interactive Communications where she focused on designing non-Latin typefaces. After the graduation she broaden her skills as Font Developer in Atlas Font Foundry, Berlin. She is currently living in London, working as Junior Font Developer at DaltonMaag.

Who can participate?
Students of graphic design, typography, architecture and all other people interested in designing type. We expect some basic experience with type, but there is also a place for greenhorns. Our agenda is to connect people with different skills and backgrounds. You are welcome to bring your own ideas and sketches of type you want to work on them.

Tools needed
Bring your favourite drawing tools (fineliners, markers, pencils, pens, white-out, a sketchbook, …). A laptop computer is required, we prefer the application Glyphs or FontLab. However, if you work with any other font editor this is not an obstacle. The workshop crew will provide transparent paper and other stationery.

Workshop fee
€ (265€ students) includes breakfast, refreshments and all the tools needed. The price also includes annual Tipo Brda membership (professionals: 30 €, students: 15 €) for all the participants. Only bank transfers are accepted. The complete sum needs to be paid in advance by 7 Feb 2018. In case of cancellation we keep 10 % administrative costs.

Application process
Briefly present your type design projects if you have them already or just add a link to your portfolio. Tell us something about you: name, faculty, country, phone, your skills etc. Keep it short and sweet.
Send it to info (at) tipobrda (dot) com – deadline: Friday 2 Feb 2018
Wait for notification by Monday 5 Feb  2018 – we will get in touch with all the participants to inform you with additional details.

If you have any questions, just give us a shout.
Looking forward to meet you at our workshop.
Tipo Brda winter 2018 crew: Krista & Alja