22nd Tipo Brda: invitation

22nd Tipo Brda: invitation

V soboto, 11. avgusta od 18. ure dalje vas prisrčno vabimo v Kaverljag (Grintovec 33a) na zaključek 22. tipografske delavnice Tipo Brda. Z veseljem vam bomo pokazali naše nove črkovne vrste nastale v preteklem tednu.

On Saturday, August 11, starting at 6 pm you are cordially invited to Kaverljag Grintovec 33a, Slovenia) to attend the 22nd Tipo Brda typeface workshop exhibition. It will be our pleasure to show you our newest typefaces designed last week.

udeleženci / the participants
Brina Blaž
Martina Cejpová
Jan Charvát
Nina Delanović
Elena Guglielmotti
Kristi Hodak
Michaela Klihavcová
Lech Kolasiński
Sara Koncilja
Ana Logar
Malvina Lubec
Jakub Mašita
Sabina Oman
Vojto Ruman
Marin Šantić
Jiří Toman
Miha Zajec

& mentorji / mentors
Lucijan Bratuš
Domen Fras
Aleš Sedmak