27th Tipo Brda: invitation

27th Tipo Brda Winter Typedesign Workshop
1 February–8 February 2015
The winter workshop will be focused on the workflow with application Glyphs: basic design workflow (drawing tools, generating glyphs, working with components, covering languages & scripts) spacing, kerning, OpenType features, producing font families (masters, interpolation and instances) and also some specialities: (monoline workflow, decimal coordinates, batch processing), screen optimization, webfont production, (hinting, subsetting).
Of course, the main focus is still on typedesign. It is an essential part of our workshop. Beside some basic and advanced lectures on typedesign you will be served with practical excercises like TypeCooker, Double Pencil method or just a simple calligraphy with DIY made pens.
Daily routine is a short lecture or excercise in the morning, individual work during the day and group consultations in the evening. A breakfast is served at 10, a lunch at 15 and a dinner around 19 o’clock, coffebreaks anytime of the day.
Traditionally, the workshop will take place at Kaverljag (village Grintovec 33a, Šmarje, Slovenia). The workshop fee 210 € includes accomodation, meals, basic stationery and final exhibition printouts. The maximum number of participants is 12. We also collect membership fee for the year 2015 (30 €, students 15 €).
prof. Lucijan Bratuš, ALUO; assist. prof. Domen Fras, NTF
Who can participate?
Students of graphic design, typography, architecture and all other people interested in designing typefaces.
Expectations: At least some basic experience with creation of type. A laptop is required, we all use application Glyphs, therefore we suggest mac. Bring your own ideas and sketches of type you want to work on. Do not forget your favourite drawing tools; pens, pencils, markers, … and a sketchbook.
day 1, Sunday
– gathering in the afternoon
– setting up the studio and dorm
– welcome evening
day 2–5, Monday to Thursday
– lecture/presentation in the morning
– individual work and one to one tutorials over the day
– daily group critics in the evening
day 6, Friday
– individual work and one to one tutorials over the day
– preparing specimens, designing the exhibition
day 7, Saturday
– documentation
– preparing the exhibition
– the exhibition and the party
day 8, Sunday
– the end of the workshop
Application process:
Briefly present your typedesign projects if you have them already or just add a link to your portfolio.
Tell us something about you: name, faculty, country, phone, your skills etc. Keep it short and sweet.
Send it to info (at) tipobrda (dot) com – deadline: Monday 19 January 2015.
Wait for notification by 23 January 2015 – we will get in touch with all the participants to inform you with additional details.
Looking forward to meet you at our workshop.
Tipo Brda winter 2015 crew: Lucijan, Domen, Jure, Anže & Tomaž
[…] are invited to the 27th Tipo Brda Winter Typedesign Workshop, 1 February–8 February […]